What is the pricing?
- Single - (1box) - $27.95
- Single - (2box) - $40.90
- Duplicate - (1box) - $29.95
- Duplicate - (2box) - $44.90
How many checks are in a box?
Single checks: 125 checks per box. Duplicate checks: 100 checks per box.
How do I order photo checks?
We offer 2 ways to Order Photo Checks. We have a form you can fill out, print and mail in OR you can use our Secure Shopping Cart and order online.
How many photos can I use on my checks?
You can use up to 4 different photos in a rotating series on your checks.
What is the 1st Order Only-Photo Processing charge?
For your first Photo Checks order we require a $5.00 Processing Fee for each photograph that will be used on your checks.
What pictures can I use?
You can use any personal photographs that you own. Copyright laws prohibit us from using pictures that you don't own.
What size should the photo be?
We suggest a horizontal photograph no smaller than 3x5 (enlarging photographs decrease the quality). For uploading photographs we suggest 1875 x 900 for Background - Style 1 Photo Checks.
Can I e-mail you a photo file?
No, but you can upload a photograph whether your order online or mail-in your order.
Why do checks appear to be faded?
To comply with ANSI (American National Standards Institute) Standards. This will guarantee that your
bank will accept them.
What do you need to process my order?
In order to process your mail-in order we will require a photograph, sample check and deposit ticket and a payment for the amount
ordered. For online orders all we require is that you fill out the order form and send/upload us your photographs.